December 8, 2011

Sorry - No Holiday Guest Blog Today

So... I now see why College Prepster Carly doesn't get cable.... because it sucks you in and makes you unproductive! Seeing as how last night I had several things I wanted to get accomplished and managed to not do any of them, I'm feel rather blah. 
I blame....
When I was living in Richmond, besides the fact that there wasn't much going on, S.S.S. & I would get Chinese Take-Out, a bottle (or 2 of Electra Wine), and spend our evenings (like once a week... we're not alchies!) watching this show. We got sucked in by Mackenzie and her outrageous antics!
Or poor Edan Wood (what kind of name is that any way?) who is obviously so controlled by her mother that there's not a thought in her head.... except for maybe "I'm a cutie, cutie patootie":
And that Ladies & Gentlemen is why you don't get a 'thinky' post today (for those of you that get that reference it's from last year's ABC Family Movie 'Revenge of the Bridesmaids'... further illustrating my need to decrease my tv time).

Have a good day!

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